Saturday, 17 June 2023


The Final Girl Support Group
by Grady Hendrix
Berkley, June 2023, $17, paperback

Very high concept, very meta, The Final Girl Support Group, by Grady Hendrix, celebrates the tropes and dashes preconceptions of the so-called Slasher film genre. “Final Girls," are the "real-world" women whose tragic experiences inspire the seemingly endless stream of horror movies featuring high kill counts and a plethora of plucky, never-say-die heroines.

Five of these women are now in support group therapy together, having lived through traumas most could hardly comprehend. They do their best to move on from these experiences, dealing with the fallout in myriad and surprising ways. Most do manage to cope, with varying degrees of success, but, one by one, they begin falling under attack from a mysterious killer, who seems intent on exterminating them. As they again face imminent death, they are forced to revisit their sad histories, and confront the fallout caused by their coping mechanisms.

One of their number, Lynette Tarkington, whose Final Girl status has been questioned in the press and by serial killer aficionados, finds herself on her way to becoming the literal last woman standing as she desperately seeks to uncover the identity of their merciless stalker.

Hendrix’s latest is a sly, ironic, subversive, and darkly funny novel, one that delivers unexpected laughs and chills, exciting action and covert commentary on a society that seemingly can’t get enough of these women in peril. A love letter to slasher films, it’s also critical of them, harshly condemning the pillars of these movies, which seemingly celebrate the cheapness of life and the vulnerability of women. Given its release date, I want desperately to say it makes for “terrific summer reading,” but, truth is, it’s a gripping, highly readable piece of work that will thrill you any time of year.

A review of this novel in hardcover first appeared in the print issue of Mystery Scene Magazine.

Review: "The Final Girls Support Group" by Grady Hendrix
Hank Wagner
Friday, 16 June 2023

2023 Shamus AwardsThe Private Eye Writers of America has announced its finalists for the 2023 Shamus Awards, for works first published in the U.S. in 2022.

Our congratulations to all the nominees.


The Wheel of Doll, by Jonathan Ames (Mulholland Books)
The Big Bundle, by Max Allan Collins (Hard Case Crime)
The Goodbye Coast, by Joe Ide (Mulholland Books)
Holmes Coming, by Kenneth Johnson (Blackstone Publishing)
The Blackmail, by M. Ravenel (Chikara Press)


Quarry’s Blood, by Max Allan Collins (Hard Case Crime)
DoubleBlind, by Libby Fischer Hellmann (The Red Herrings Press)
Canary in a Coal Mine, by Charles Salzberg (Down & Out Books)
Dead-Bang Fall, by J.R. Sanders (Level Best Books)
Hush Hush, by Gabriel Valjan (Historia/Level Best Books)


Big Fat F@!k-up, by Lawrence Allan (M.S. Wooten Press)
Pay Dirt Road, by Samantha Jayne Allen (Minotaur Books)
Foote, by Tom Bredehoft (West Virginia University Press)
What Meets the Eye, by Alex Kenna (Crooked Lane Books)
The Goldenacre, by Philip Miller (Soho Crime)


“No Place for a Dame" by Lori Armstrong (Edgar & Shamus Go Golden/Down & Out Books)
“Charlie’s Medicine” by Libby Cudmore (Lawyers, Guns, and Money: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Warren Zevon/Down & Out Books)
“A Jelly of Intrigue” by O’Neil De Noux (Edgar & Shamus Go Golden/Down & Out Books)
“The Pearl of Antilles” by Caroline Garcia-Aguilera (Edgar & Shamus Go Golden/Down & Out Books)
“Bad Actor” by Elliot Sweeney (Nov/Dec 2022, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine)

The Private Eye Writers of America 2023 Shamus Award Finalists
Mystery Scene
Monday, 12 June 2023

Murdle Volume 1 by G.T. Karber

Murdle: Volume 1: 100 Elementary to Impossible Mysteries to Solve Using Logic, Skill, and the Power of Deduction
by G.T. Karber
St. Martin's Griffin, June 2023, $16 paperback

Murdle is the online daily mystery game site of G.T. Karber, who invites online players to use a grid-based worksheet and deductive reasoning to figure out the identity of a murderer, what weapon was used, and where the dire event happened.

I've tried playing Murdle online, but I much prefer working out the puzzles with paper and pencil. For one thing, background details aren't hidden in windows or menus that need to be opened. They're right there for easy reference. So I'm happy to see that St. Martin's is issuing Murdle: Volume 1, the first of three planned Murdle puzzle collections. Volume 2 is due out in September 2023, Volume 3 in March 2024.

Murdle directionsPuzzles get harder as they go along. In the easy section, each Murdle has three suspects, three weapons, and three possible crime scenes. The rules say that a suspect can have only one weapon and can be in only place. Ergo, once you've deduced which weapon a suspect has and where they have been, no other suspect can claim that weapon or be in that place. The identity of the murderer (hopefully) becomes clear. As the puzzles get harder, the number of each variable is increased to four, and you are also asked to guess the motive for the murder.

Clues are included with each puzzle, and further hints are in an appendix towards the back of the book. Players ignore these hints at their peril! There are also occasional snags, like statements that the killer is lying, and secret messages written in code.

G.T. Karber states that he made a few other online games before finding his "one true calling." He has clearly found that with Murdle. I look forward to having his puzzle book on hand for when I am in the mood for a killer puzzle.

Verna Suit is a longtime contributor to Mystery Scene and our resident puzzle master. You can find many of her Mystery Scene crosswords in our print back issues.

Review: "Murdle: Volume 1: 100 Elementary to Impossible Mysteries to Solve Using Logic, Skill, and the Power of Deduction" by G.T. Karber
Verna Suit