Oline Cogdill

altCorporations do it; so do organizations; and so do people.

Having something named after you such as a stadium, a school, a library, a theater or even a seat in a theater not only allows your name to be remembered but also shows your support.

Now a group of mystery authors are in a contest to see who can raise the most money to have a morgue at Dundee University in Scotland named after them.

Well, why not?

Crime writers Tess Gerritsen, Kathy Reichs (left), Lee Child, Harlan Coben, Mark Billingham, Jeffrey Deaver (below), Jeff Lindsay, Stuart MacBride, Peter James and Val McDermid are each trying to get the most votes in the "Million for a Morgue" campaign.

The author with the most public votes will have the morgue named after them.

altFans can vote for a favorite author online - with each vote contributing £1 to the fund raiser. A British £1 is equal to about $1.50 in American money, but the exchange rate changes daily.

Dundee University has committed one million pounds to the project, but another million pounds needs to be raised.

According to BBC News, the new morgue will adopt a "revolutionary" way of embalming - called the Thiel method - which keeps bodies flexible for longer.

This gives medics and researchers a more realistic way of testing techniques and practicing procedures, as well as developing new equipment and approaches, according to BBC News.

Dr. Sue Black, director of Dundee's Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification, is no stranger to crime novelists. According to the BBC News, authors often use her expertise.

According to BBC News, McDermid has used Black's advice when constructing the "grisly technical detail" in her novels.

"She has this rare ability to put things in layman's terms," McDermid was quoted.

By the way, my profile of McDermid is Mystery Scene's current cover story.
